Thinking About a New Hairstyle?

If you are considering a new hairstyle, could use a free haircut, or possibly some extra cash, we may have the deal for you. We are seeking ladies for haircut makeovers like the ones found on this site. If this sounds like something that you might be interested in, check out our hairstyles (or pick your own), read some articles to get inspired, or get more details.

Take a look at some before and after photos to get an idea of how much better you could look.


Sometimes it helps to hear from others about what they have experienced. We have numerous articles that give you other’s perspectives on why they made the decision and how they feel about it. Here are just a few to get you started.

  • A COVID-19 Pixie and Help For many years, probably too many, I wore my hair long cascading to my waist. There were times when it looked really nice, but most of the time it was …
  • 11 Reasons To Get a Short Haircut
    Admit it, after years of being weighed down by your long mane of opulence you are flirting with the thought of getting a short haircut but you don’t have the ...
  • Thinking of Chopping It Off? Do It!
    A fresh crop can be liberating and empowering. Are you considering a short haircut? Here’s what I have to say about that: Do it. I know it’s a big leap, and women ...
  • Take a Short Step
    Are you contemplating a change of hairstyle, thinking of going from long to short? If so, you might have concerns, especially if you have never worn your hair short before. ...
  • 7 Reasons to Cut Your Hair Short
    You’ve spent all that time growing your hair out, you’ve followed expert advice, and you finally made it to long hair heaven. But you have that itch. Is it time ...

More Information or a Quote

We would be happy to answer any questions you may have or provide you with a quote for a session. Please see our contact page for more information about how much money you would make!

Hairstyle Gallery

We have a lot of hairstyles for you to view no matter if the style is:

Would you consider buzzing/shaving?

We are also looking for ladies who are considering buzzing/shaving! If you are considering going all the way, get more details here.

More Information

Get more details about our program.